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Haven't Written In Forever...

Well the season has already changed and I haven't written in forever. It is now October and literally freezing out. One of the many things I love about the start of Autumn is that the weather is perfect for exercising. I know everyone has preferences about which season is the best for running but for me I love being out in the cold. I'm able to go longer and increase my time as well. Maybe it has something to do with my background in figure skating? Either way, I love this new temperature.

Today I decided to do some festive activities with a friend. We made some pumpkin spice cookies. These were delicious! I only had one because to be honest, they aren't very healthy.

Afterwards we went for a walk to look at the leaves changing and all the beautiful autumnal colors. We went 2 miles with hills so it was a nice bit of relaxed cardio.

Then we watched the movie Hocus Pocus. Very festive if I say so myself.

Since my last post I haven't been following the one lesson a week guideline I set for myself. The reason being is because some lessons are several chapters long. I have been working at my own pace and am almost done. I also bought a Human Anatomy coloring book and have been working with that as well.

My exam date is in December and I am almost done with all the material and ready to start reviewing everything.


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