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January Fitness Challenge

Here is this month's Fitness Challenge! I don't have a shopping list (again) because after some thought I decided it was best to post this challenge without one. You should eat what feels right. Don't deny your body anything just focus on providing fuel for your body especially during this challenge.

Monday 16 January- Leg Day
Straight Leg Squats 10 reps
Left Lunges 10 reps
Right Lunges 10 reps
Wide Leg Squats 10 reps
Shifting Side Lunges 10 reps
Repeat three times

Tuesday 17 January- Cardio
1 mile walk
.5 mile run

Wednesday 18 January - Ab Day
Sit Ups 10 reps
Russian Twists 20 reps
Alternate Heel Touches 20 reps
Plank 20 seconds
Repeat three times

Thursday 19 January - Arm Day
Bicep Curls 10 reps
Lateral Front Raise Circuit 10 reps both/ 10 reps front/ 10 reps lateral
Bent Over Row 10 reps
Push Ups 10 reps
Repeat three times

Friday 20 January- Fitness Class
Aqua Cardio (or preferred fitness group)

Saturday 21 January- Run!
1.2 mile run

Sunday 22 January- Rest
2 mile walk

Monday 23 January- Leg Day
Jump Squats 12 reps
Squat + Left Side Kick 12 reps
Squat + Right Side kick 12 reps
Wide Leg Squats 12 reps
Left Lunges 12 reps
Right Lunges 12 reps
Repeat three times

Tuesday 24 January- Cardio
1 mile walk
.75 run

Wednesday 25 January- Ab Day
Sit Ups 12 reps
Left Crunches 12 reps
Right Crunches 12 reps
Plank 25 Seconds
Spider Plank 25 seconds
Repeat three times

Thursday 26 January- Arm Day
Push Ups 12 reps
Bicep Curls 12 reps
Overhead Press 12 reps
Overhead Extensions 12 reps
Repeat three times

Friday 27 January- Fitness Class
Aqua Cardio (or preferred class)

Saturday 28 January- Run!
1.75 Run

Sunday 29 January- Rest
2 mile walk

The challenge this month is only two weeks but it should help to get back into the swing of things after the Christmas season. 


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