During this fitness challenge I'm going to be focusing on cardio, getting back into running, and focusing on my cardiovascular health. The yoga sessions I will be getting from Yoga with Adriene's Youtube channel and I will be getting the circuits from one's I have already made and posted here on the blog. 1 August: Walking Walk 3.1 miles at a fast pace (write down your time for later date) Short yoga session 2 August: Elliptical Elliptical for 30 minutes Yoga for 30 minutes 3 August: Circuit Training Core and leg Circuit 4 August: Active Rest Day Walk, hike, swim, etc for 40 minutes Yoga for 30 minutes 5 August: Swimming and Walking Walk 3.5 miles at fast pace Swim for 40 minutes 6 August: Active Rest Day Yoga session for 60 minutes 7 August: Walking Walk 3.75 miles at fast pace Short yoga session 8 August: Run/Jogging Run/jog for 2 miles Short yoga session 9 August: Active Rest D...
A blog about my life, health, and fitness journey.