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Paragard: 1 Month Review

Let me start this post off by saying that I thought it was going to be a negative one up until a week ago. The first three weeks were extremely painful but I finally found a remedy for it (amazing, by the way) but we'll get to that later.

What is the Paragard?
For those who don't know the Paragard is a non-hormonal intrauterine device (IUD). It is a piece of T-shaped plastic medical device wrapped in copper. It is placed in your uterus and the copper acts as a natural spermicide. Whatever sperm manages to survive (very few and not often do they survive) cannot fertilize an egg because of how the device is placed in your uterus. There are not any harmful side effects like hormonal birth control options except for the very rare chance of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) or the device expelling or perforating the uterus.

The amazing benefits of it is no hormones! Because of my anti-epileptic medications hormonal birth control does not work as effectively for me so I needed something non-hormonal. It also lasts for 10 years! (My Doctor and Midwife told me 10 however Planned Parenthood says up to 12*)

Ordering the Paragard
In my town there are not many options for OBGYNs and my Primary Doctor did not recommend any of them especially for a fitting and insertion. She recommended a Midwife and said she was the best in town unless I wanted to drive 1.5-2 hours, no thank you. I looked up the Midwife online and saw she had really good reviews, and best of all she was accepted by my insurance provider. Prior to being able to order the Paragard I had to have a wellness exam (pap) done and I had already had that done by my Primary Doctor so I was all set. I called up the Midwife's office and they had me come in to do some paperwork and receive my insurance information. Then, they called in the prescription to my insurance and had to wait for the insurance to approve it before they could order it and wait for it to come in. That took a bit longer than expected because the insurance "misplaced" the letter my Midwife sent in. However, after two weeks I was finally able to make my appointment to have it fitted and placed.

Pre Fitting and Insertion
I was told by my Primary Doctor and my Midwife that insertion can be painful and to take some ibuprofen before my insertion. A few hours before my appointment I took some ibuprofen, set up a little space in bed with water, food, snacks, and set up my Harry Potter movie so everything was ready for when I got back from my appointment. The day before I bought a bunch of pre-made frozen meals for the Hubby and myself so he would be able to make us food.

Fitting and Insertion
I arrived at the Midwife's office about 15 minutes early and had some forms to fill out. After I finished the forms I took a pregnancy test and then was ready to start the procedure. They took me to the exam room, took my vitals, and ran over some basic medical history with me. Afterwards, I got undressed from the waist down and noticed the instruments they would be using to place the Paragard. They were either enormous or they just appeared larger than normal because I was nervous. Either way I was a little freaked out when the Midwife came in. She was extremely nice and took all the different devices and explained what would be done with them. I should add that it's extremely odd seeing the ruler that will be used to measure your uterus.

After the Midwife explained everything and I calmed down it was time for the fitting. After the Midwife placed the speculum, she placed the ruler and measured my uterus and checked to make sure it wasn't tilted. This was very painful. It felt like the cramps I had during high school before my cycle became more regular. She said it was the perfect size and I shouldn't have any problems.  Next came the insertion.

My Midwife told me this cramping was going to be a bit more "intense" than when she measured me. It was more intense alright. I focused on my breathing and just tried to breath through it. The wings of the Paragard were folded down so it resembled one small rod being placed inside of me. After she inserted it into my uterus she proceeded to pull out the piece that was holding the IUD. I thought it was going to hurt when the wings popped open but it didn't. The only thing that hurt was the fact that I had a rod placed through my cervix. After the Paragard was unfolded she proceeded to pull out the insertion device.  I thought the cramping would go down after everything was out but it still felt like someone kicked my cervix. She said that I may have slight cramping for the next 1-3 days but I shouldn't have any spotting. After the insertion I drove home (it was only a 3 minute drive home).

The First Three Days
I was expecting the pain to be unbearable from past reviews but the first day wasn't that bad. The severe cramping from the insertion lasted maybe a couple hours until I fell asleep. When I woke up there was minor cramping but it wasn't anything the ibuprofen couldn't handle. I spent most of that day and the following two days sleeping or laying down watching movies. For some reason I was exhausted after having it inserted. I figured it was my body trying to tell me to slow down and let it heal.

Post Insertion: Week 1&2
That Monday (I had it inserted on Friday) the cramps started to escalate. The ibuprofen helped but I had to take it every 4 hours. The cramps lasted throughout the week slowly but steadily getting worse. At this point, ibuprofen was getting rid of the pain. I also bled pretty heavily for about three days. It wasn't extremely heavy but it was definitely more than what I was used to being on the pill.  After 14 days of having the IUD I was still cramping pretty bad.

Post Insertion: Week 3 (If you get grossed out by periods don't read this section)
This was the week of my period. I was definitely expecting a heavier cycle than what I was used to on the pill but I was not expecting this. Let me just say that before on the pill I was pretty lucky. I only bled about .25 ounces and my period only lasted 2 days, 3 days with spotting. I use a menstrual cup so it makes my cycle so much easier and I can actually measure how much I bleed every month. The average woman bleeds about 1-2 ounces per cycle** This cycle I flowed about 4.5 ounces. Let me say that again... 4.5 ounces. Thankfully I use a menstrual cup (it was okay'ed by my midwife to do so). If I had used tampons or pads I would not have been able to keep up with my flow. It made it much more manageable but instead of normally emptying every 12 hours (twice a day) I emptied 3 times a day. I also kept a pad on for a back up because I didn't know if it was going to get heavier or not.

As I said my periods lasted about 2 days with one day of spotting on the pill. This cycle lasted 7 days with 3 days of spotting. I was warned by my Midwife that my cycles may be extremely heavy and long for the first few months. Hopefully they will even out, we will see.

Also, my cramping during this week was excruciatingly painful. It felt as though I could feel my cervix expanding and closing, like I was getting stabbed in the uterus with a knife, stabbed in my cervix, and had an alien inside my uterus trying to claw its way out. It was nothing like I had ever experienced before. It was worse than my cramps in high school where I would have to take off from school. I felt faint, dizzy, and I felt as though I was going to pass out from the pain. Ibuprofen only worked for maybe 2 hours on the max dose and by "worked" I mean it made it tolerable enough to where I could stand. My worst moment was when I collapsed in pain on the kitchen floor and couldn't move for an hour.

I drank plenty of water (100+ ounces/day), tried yoga, breathing techniques, ibuprofen, heating pads (only worked a couple times then made it worse), took relaxing baths, and avoided caffeine. Nothing was helping. I finally found a site where others were going through the same thing I was with the Paragard. They recommended I tried a supplement called Vitanica Cramp Bark Extra. (As always, talk to your Doctor before taking any supplements) I tried this supplement and I was off of ibuprofen completely after two days of taking it. The first day I only had to take ibuprofen a couple times. My cramps were gone and I was actually able to live my life.

Post Insertion: Week 4
This past week has been great! I have been taking the supplements once a day in the morning and I haven't had one single cramp! I have been able to work out, go shopping, and enjoy life. I am so happy I decided to bring up getting off the pills to my new Doctor and she recommended Paragard.

I was nervous about getting a copper IUD because of so many negative reviews on it but I am so happy that I decided to go through with it and do what is right for me. Hopefully this post has helped someone that is looking into getting the Paragard and will shed some light on the positives of it.

* Information found on Planned Parenthood's Website:

**Information found on Diva Cup's Website:


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