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Setting Up the Small Tree and Making Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

I started off last week working on school. I had my little study buddy to keep me company. I took my exam and then started on the nervous system! I'm slowly but surely working on getting through school. I was talking with Jake and he really thinks I could eventually become a Veterinarian and start my own practice. I have to become a Veterinary Assistant and then a Veterinary Technician first though.

Afterwards I decided to set up our small tree in the bedroom. I LOVE Christmas and always decorate earlier than most people in the U.S. 

Tuesday I was back to school work again and guess who was "helping"? Yep! Lando was right beside me. I love it when he wants cuddles. He's usually such a hyper kitty so when he wants cuddles I make sure to stop what I'm doing and give him love.

I captured the most beautiful sunset last week. The picture doesn't do it justice.

Lando loves the tree too!

Thursday, Lando spent forever trying to get a nail that had been previously painted over in the wall. I never noticed it until he tried getting at it. 

Yep, more cuddles. His new prescription food seems to be making him calmer and seems to be helping his urinary tract disease because he's back to his normal urinary output! YAY!

Friday morning I decided I was going to make a scrambled tofu breakfast sandwich. I take 1/3 of a block of  extra firm organic tofu and dry it with a towel.

I then heat up some oil in a pan then turn it to medium/low. I add the tofu, chop it with a spatula, and add a little bit of turmeric.

Then I added some garlic and onion powder, stir, and heat. I did this three times. After the third time I add some garlic and herb Mrs. Dash seasoning.

Then I put the scrambled tofu on the bread and add some peppered tofurkey and daiya cheddar cheese.

I put it in the panini press until the cheese was melted.

That afternoon I opened a package from my Mom and I got a new PJ set! 

Later that night it was a bit chilly so Lando and I kept warm by the fireplace. 

Saturday and Sunday Jake surprised me with the new season of Game of Thrones and we binged on that all weekend. Of course, when binge watching a whole season junk food is involved. We did have some fruit and vegetables but it was mostly food that isn't so great for you. So this coming week I'll be focused on healthy foods and lots of water.


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