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Amazing Weather, Studying, and Evy's First Vet Appointment

This week we have had some amazing weather! Sometimes I absolutely LOVE living in Arizona.

Monday I spent a majority of the day cleaning, studying, and then spending time with Lando outside. I have only taken Evy out one time and she was small enough to slide out of her harness. So until she gets a little bigger she will be staying inside for now. For supper I made Chinese food. That means brown rice, steamed veggies, vegetable spring rolls, and some orange chicken for Jake. I was going to make some orange tofu but I couldn't find a block of tofu anywhere in the fridge.

Tuesday was Evy's first vet appointment! We had a wellness check up and then we had a blood draw and had her tested for FIV/FeLV. She did so well at the vet. Lando normally hisses and growls at everyone but Evy just meowed and purred the whole time it was nice not having to worry about her biting anyone. After we got back Evy went into her hiding spot under the stairs and Lando wanted to go outside. The weather was so nice I couldn't say no. After spending some time outside Jake and I went on a date. We went to Ross, Walmart, and finished up the date by eating at Chili's. Then we came back home and cranked the A/C for Jake. He sleeps during the day because he works night shifts and since it gets so hot upstairs during the day the A/C is a necessity for him to get a good night's (or day's) rest.

 It gets quite cold downstairs with the A/C on so I spent the majority of the day outside. Lando came out with me for a bit and rolled around in the dirt. I gave him a baby wipe bath later.

Later that night I was so tired from working out I fell asleep on the couch with dinner in the oven! I woke up to some very burned chicken so instead of a nice home cooked meal for his lunch, Jake got PB&J sandwiches. I managed to make his sandwiches, brew his green tea, and make him iced coffee in a matter of 10 minutes. I was pretty proud of myself.

Wednesday morning I woke up and ran my errands. I picked up my books for school from staples. If you're doing the vet assistant or technician program through Penn Foster I would highly recommend printing your study guides out through them. Getting them done on black and white, with a clear front cover, and a black back cover they usually come out to around $10 sometimes even less. They've really helped me study and retain the information. Then I headed to Walmart to pick up some groceries we needed for the house, and lastly I stopped by the post office to drop off a package.

When I got home I put everything away and went outside with Lando to study. I took a little break and made some Chinese food for lunch. I had brown rice with orange sauce, steamed vegetables, lo mein noodles with cashew sauce, and vegetable spring rolls. It was delicious and so filling.

I was excited to run out to my mail box to get my new Dollar Shave Club box! This month I had them through in a face moisturizer with spf so I can use it on the cruise I'm going on next month.

Jake hasn't been feeling well all week and last night he started to really feel ill so he called into work. We had some burritos from an amazing restaurant in town and laid in bed watching Supernatural. I made sure he drank plenty of fluids and got plenty of rest.

Thursday I spent most of the day studying and preparing for me to take the Emergency Care exam tomorrow. The exams are open book but I try to avoid using my book as much as possible. I also cleaned up the living room, kitchen, bathrooms, and started to massive amount of laundry that needs to be done. I don't know how two people can go through so many dishes and clothes. 😊


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